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Huang Zhong - Royal Huntsman

Huang Zhong

Royal Huntsman


+2 3103 2643 6436 1297 1297
+10 3901 3323 8091 1630 1630

*All stats are based on Zeus faith.

Attack Type


Legacy of Hou Yi / 3T
Increases This hero's chance of dodging by 100% for 2 turns.
100% chance of stunning Enemies for 2 turn(s).

Empower: Lasts 1 extra turn(s) for every 40000 ATK this hero has (Max: +1).

Enables This hero to unleash an onslaught of 1 strikes. Each strike deals 150% of their ATK to a random enemy.

Empower: +1 strike(s) for every 15000 ATK this hero has (Max: +2).


Last Hurrah III

When HP of any ally in aura drops below 50%, there is a 75% chance to:

Grant this hero and allies in aura the will to make a last stand, resisting any damage that will reduce this hero and allies in aura's HP to below 1 for 1 turns.

Trigger this hero and allies in aura to unleash a ranged attack with 100% of their ATK.